Sunday, 29 June 2014

4 Months

It's been just over 4 months since I last posted something on here. That's a long time and I'm sorry for that.

It's been majorly busy however! I can now officially say that three years of hard work has finally paid off, and I officially have a degree!

Post uni life is however, currently, quite unglamorous. I guess I expected to waltz into my dream job straight away, but life is never that simple. I spend my free time trawling the internet, submitting my CV (I'm really great guys and am skilled and so keen...please hire me) to various companies with the hope one will say YES. WE REALLY WANT YOU.

Despite the agonising waits, the bounce back rejections and really good interviews that turn out to be for a door to door sales job (no thanks), I'm actually enjoying post uni life. I can finally sleep without having a nightmare about InDesign crashing, my laptop bursting into flames or just forgetting words in general. I also have time to do what I love most; writing.

So again, I'm sorry for the last few months of neglect (it's not you it's me), and I promise I will be around more.

During my absence, some weird stuff has happened on the internet and in the world in general...

wtf is Julian Assange now a model?
when did pumpkin become a thing? its all over pinterest and it's june...
when did i run out of clean socks?
and am i the only person not really interested in the world cup?

Feel free to get in touch you lovely lot, I'm back online and ready to um...reply to comments


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